Ran across a nice DoubleLine Real Estate Round Table today- Quite informative- I highly suggest watching this video. Also, listen to Double Line podcasts They are extremely informative. I almost always learn something. Thank you Double Line for your great information- SO- What is up with the real estate market? Continue Reading
[Investing] Why I Am Not a Great Investor Yet: ZOOM
Today, I am starting a new series called “Why I am not a great investor yet…” I will cover all my investment mistakes so we can learn together and not make the same mistakes again. My first and recent mistake involves not investing in ZOOOOMMMMM- Before the pandemic, I saw Continue Reading
[Investing] 2020/10/5 Week Update
Not a bad week for the markets or me- I was happy to see some of my REITs rise. Also, gold miners had some recovery- I sold some gold positions to balance my portfolio a bit. I also sold some housing REITs (IRT and BRG). They rose a bit too Continue Reading
[Investing] Investing Ideas: Stockgumshoe
Sourcing investment ideas is never easy- There are too many junk websites and pumps and dumps still exist- Also, investment newsletters are not always the best- So where do I get my investing ideas? Usually, I do my own research and try to find small firms with high profit margins Continue Reading
[Investing] Investing Tools: Finviz
Finviz is one of my favorite research tools- I love how you can see the blocks of information well- I can see the major indexes at the top then top gainers/top losers and then large caps are up to. The news is ok. I like Yahoo financial news better- I Continue Reading
[Investing] Investing Tools: Tipranks
Investing- My other passion besides research- Why I like investing so much? Well, you need to do some research to invest well- Of course, the optimal balance between prudence and decisiveness matters. You do too much due diligence and the opportunity gone. Especially, these days, I sit on the idea Continue Reading
[Investing] 2020/10 Week Update
A very violent and interesting 2020 for the stock market- I thought my safe portfolio of REITs and oil royalties with some tech would have been relatively stable and smooth- Nope! March came and everything became chaotic- There was so much volatility that I started swing trading and then day Continue Reading