Motley Fool- So much divided opinion about their services–
You can find a lot reviews that absolutely trash the service.
I don’t think it is that bad but…it isn’t so great either.
I found about Motley Fool almost two decades ago when the investment club president recommended that I learn from Motley Fool instead of asking so many questions.
So I looked into and of course, I had no money in college. That was that.
Then during my PhD, I was desperate for good picks because I was barely surviving. Then the Motley Fool ad came across and subscribed to their service.
So I forget what I subscribed but it was some stock picks.
I liked reading their analysis. It helped me think a bit more about investing.
I liked how they focused on growth and huge markets, where you can really go big.
So I definitely learned about becoming more growth oriented from their picks.
Thank you Motley Fool.
Now, in terms of their picks…
I can’t really remember because most didn’t really work out well and I had to sell them off.
However, I do remember WIX and Shopify was among their picks some time ago. It may have been part of my subscription but I regret not investing in them.
My logic for WIX was simple. Too much competition. Other websites services make it easy to create it as well…but I was totally wrong-
Shopify…I was very close to investing but thought it was too expensive…again valuation matters…but not as much to growth stocks.
Something that I learned.
So I know that probably SHOP and WIX alone probably covered all the losers of Motley Fool.
And I regret not investing in them. SHOP….Ahh…I thought of investing in 2019 too but then pass…
I still need to learn to pay for extreme growth-
So should you subscribe to Motley Fool?
Not really- They have lot of content online. And it is quite useful.
Also, you can check Motley Fool’s Fund’s 13-Fs. Below is the Motley Fool Asset Management LLC’s 13F.

Copy and paste to Excel and you find that Amazon, Splunk, Everbridge, Alphabet are their large positions as of June 2020.
If you don’t want to go hunt 13F filings, you can just use fund position trackers like whalewisdom.

You can just mimic their portfolio.
Of course, always do your due diligence and manage your risk.
And of course, you can always check out stockgumshoe, where they have uncovered many Motley Fool picks-
At least for me, I will not be using Motley Fool’s services anytime soon.
In sum, Motley Fool has few good picks (e.g. WIX, SHOP, AMZ) which will cover all the bad picks. Also, their content is reasonable for beginners. Overall, Motley Fool stock pick service is Ok.
Thank You Jesus for all Your blessings.
I pray that we share Your blessings and love with others- Amen!
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