Another volatile week-
I recovered some of my losses- Yay-
BUT! The economy is still in the gutter and markets will come back to reality.
Swing traded #EPM and #BRG mostly-
One of my positions, my very long #TPL is doing well and I expect more money coming in-
Buy and hold works if you hold long enough.
#HL also slowly recovering. I will put more money in soon once I see a big spike in gold and silver.
So what is ahead- Nothing much-
Stimulus checks will give a jump to the market and opening of bars and restaurants will help a bit-
But no real long term solution…
Scary times- Probably will try to buy farm land if I can…
Unfortunately, nothing is cheap in CA-
Anyway, I expect more volatility and sideways trading for at few more weeks- 40% cash for now 😀
Thank You Jesus for all Your blessings. Let us be more thankful every day Amen!
Rejoice at all times. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in every circumstance, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
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