Wow…a pleasant surprise. Markets were up-
I sold more. I bought some heavily punished gold miners last week and I exited them today. Small profit but thankful-
Hmm…what is going on? Is not the election chaos baked into the market?
Or…may be or…it won’t be that bad- The only way that markets will remain not so volatile this week is if there is a landslide win.
Personally, Trump is more likely to win on a landslide compared to Biden-
Just look at the enthusiasm at the rallies- Never seen so many Trump stickers and banners in SoCal-
Well, S&P500 future is still positive…wow…but we will see tomorrow-
Still I will sell some more just for safety.
Tomorrow, I will just not do much in terms of trading (well that is a plan).
Will stay home and pray for America. God bless America!
Thank You Jesus for all Your blessings. Let us be thankful for the land that we are standing on. Let us bless and heal the land. Amen-
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