I often get asked get asked what are the best accounting resources by my friends and students.
Some of my friends realize that accounting is important (told you so) and want to learn.
My students ask if there are any accounting resources.
So here are my two favorite sources.
You can learn K-12 and some college material using Khan Academy for free!
The teaching material quality is quite high. I think it is better than most average schools.
They really explain things well. And they even explain accounting concepts well 😀
So if you want to learn accounting or forgot the basics of accounting, check out Khan Academy 😀
Accounting Coach also has good material. I have not gone over the material as much but the concepts that I checked are quite well explained. So it is not bad.
The reason why I recommend another website is because people learn in different ways and some concepts are better explained depending on the website. So if you still don’t understand after looking Khan Academy, you can check out accounting coach.
If you still don’t understand, I suggest using Wikipedia. Wikipedia is pretty good. You can also google around. Investopedia often has good explanations.
Also, just search YouTube, you will see many accounting related videos (although many are bad).
Use different materials to enhance your learning 😀
Let me know if you have other great accounting education resources-
Thank You Jesus for all Your wisdom. Thank You God for the wonderful education resources. Amen!
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