Wow- What a turn of events-
Trump got COVID19 then he is back-
God bless America 😀
Now, the interesting thing is that so many people and news outlets wished ill for the president.
I am like hmmm…don’t they profess love and tolerance….
Anyway, now that he is back, media is angry-
Whoa- so much anger-
What did they expect? Did they expect Trump to die?
That would surely bring down the markets and inject more uncertainty into the economy and markets, not good for America.
What about the elections- We have mail-in-ballots which is already an issue, imagine if either Trump or Biden passed away?
How much chaos do you need? 2020 isn’t crazy enough for some people-
What Trump’s recovery shows is that US has good healthcare for the president which is good and Trump seems to be healthier than all the people claim.
That is good because we want our president to be healthy so he can lead the country.
Now in terms of the markets, what will happen?
I think the markets will go up- Trump will use his recovery of COVID19 to accelerate the opening of the economy, which will help pretty much everyone.
He will also use it for his political gains. People are already fed up being locked in so he will use his recovery to get more votes.
Ok, now it is important to remember that Trump got the best care so normal individual won’t get that. But anyway, people are likely to rally around Trump.
He will also use his experience with COVID19 to beat back anything that Biden and democrats say about COVID19. He had it and beat it.
So the Trump train is accelerating.
It will be interesting to see how everything plays out but I am expecting Trump to swing big.
In sum, I expect markets to go up temporarily. Big caps will likely to go up.
If Trump pushes to open up the economy more, REITs will go up.
Gold miners will likely either fall or not move much.
Finally, it is good news that Trump is well. Let us always pray for our leaders-
Thank You Jesus for all Your love and mercy. Please protect our leaders and give them wisdom to serve the You and the people. Amen!
God bless America!
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