Wow- What a week- Down- Down- Down and today, we had a bizarre buy-the-dip occurring- Of course, as always, I have been swing trading so I made small profits daily- I just wished I didn’t swing so early today- Instead of making 1%, I could have made 5% on AG Continue Reading
[Investing] 2021/2/26
Crazy two days for the markets and gold- My gold miners took a big hit- But I swing traded and got nice 2-3%- But my long portfolio is down 6% in two days wow- Still the thesis for gold is only getting stronger so I don’t mind hanging on and Continue Reading
[Investing] GameStop (GME) Back Again with Short Squeeze?
GameStop (GME) was up 100% today with another potential short squeeze- Wow- It ain’t over until it’s over- My thought is that some people will benefit but most will take a hit- I guess the pump can go on for few days but eventually it will fizzle- Just like last Continue Reading
[Investing] 2021/2/22
It has been a while since I have posted- Family, research, and teaching kept me busy- I did trade but I did not have much time to do research so I just swing traded REITs and gold miners, which worked out quite well- So much volatility- Today, AG and HL Continue Reading
[Investing] 2021/2/12
Another interesting week- 2021 is already interesting and February is also turning out to be more interesting- It is scary when all of your stocks are green- yeah, something is wrong, very wrong- I swing traded miners- Accumulated some AG, HL, and EQX. Had a nice swing trade with BRG Continue Reading
[Investing] 2021/2/8
It has been a while since I posted about my investing/trading- It has been a very busy week teaching and taking care of my son, who walks like tomorrow doesn’t exist. So thankful that I can teach and that my son can walk. So many thankful things. Thank You Jesus Continue Reading
[Investing] On Reddit Raiders’ Rampage
The more I read about the Reddit coordination, I am convinced that this is going to be big. First, silver future is already up. Silver coin orders are surging- It won’t be long before silver miners will start popping- This is awesome for silver because silver price has been manipulated Continue Reading
[Investing] Screw the Little Guy
Although I am against coordinated buy waves by small investors because the end is quite bad. In time, there will be no more new fools and the stock collapses- Taking down whoever held those stocks- So yeah, don’t ride the wave because it might take you down literally- However, what Continue Reading
[Investing] Market Madness
If 2020 was not crazy enough for the markets, 2021 is definitely catching up or trying to show that it won’t be normal or easy either- So what is going on- First, we have a super short-squeeze. Institutional investors are getting burned by the swarm of individual investors’ gambling their Continue Reading
[Investing] Vengeance of the Millennial Investors
Wow- 2021 is already becoming very interesting- Looks like 2021 is saying you thought 2020 was crazy?! You will see- By now, everyone has heard how Game Stop (GME) got into a super short squeeze and burned a bunch of short hedge funds. All orchestrated by small investors through reddit Continue Reading